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FLI publishes another book on the Shina language

Forum for Language Initiative (FLI)  has published another book on the Shina language. The book is co-authored by two famous writers, Amin Zia and Razwal Kohistan, of the language. The book compares 4000 nouns and verbs of the two famous dialects, Shina-Gilgiti and Shina-Kohistani, with the definition in Urdu. Some of the words also have been translated into some other languages of the region.

Senior writers Amin Zia and Razwal Kohistani, who have long been working for documenting their respective dialects, have put together their energies to bring out this book. They have previously published dictionaries in their separate dialects providing a treasure of knowledge about the Shina language.

Apart from other activities for preservation and promotion of the indigenous languages,  FLI,  since its establishment in 2002, has been publishing books in and bout the indigenous languages and cultures of the region. Categorized in its two main series: Academic and Vernacular a number of of books so far has been publi shed by FLI. Additionally, many other books, most dealing with school curriculum and used by our partner organization in their MTB-MLE schools, are also part of FLI publication.

Amin Zia

Razwal Kohistani

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