Literacy Day Observed in N.Pakistan

UNESCO has been celebrating September 8 every year as International Literacy Day to draw the world’s attention towards eradication of illiteracy from the world. FLI has been observing this day together with its partner organizations in their respective areas. This year the event was sponsored by FLI in three language communities of northern Pakistan; Palula in Chitral, and Gawri and Torwali in Swat. The respective community organizations invited community elders, opinion makers, influencers, prayer leaders, students and parents to the event and used the opportunity for awareness raising. Speakers shed light on the importance of literacy, especially among women focusing on literacy in the mother tongue. The community elders were also provided chance to speak on the occasion who pledged to support FLI’s and its partner organizations’ vision to empower our communities by equipping them with education. This event has become a regular part of our literacy ventures in our target area which provides our partners the opportunity to meet maximum community people and cement their relationship with them.

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