
GB Language Researchers Meet in Islamabad

In a literary event, held in Islamabad, language enthusiasts and researchers congregated to celebrate the linguistic diversity of Gilgit Baltistan (GB). The seminar, organized by FLI, showcased the cultural and linguistic diversity of the region through the presentation of six research papers. The focus was on Shina, Balti, Khowar, Burushaski, Wakhi, and notably, Dawudi languages.

The scholars explained the progress made to strengthen these languages, shedding light on the challenges encountered along the way. Particularly noteworthy was the inclusion of the Dawudi language, a rarity in such forums. Previously known as “Domaaki,” its name has been changed by the language researchers from the community.

The paper presentation session transitioned into a panel discussion, where the focus expanded to all indigenous languages of the area. The discourse illustrated contemporary challenges faced by these languages and unveiled the community’s expectations from both provincial and federal governments. The event, held in the premises of the Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) in Islamabad during the final week of January 2024, drew an audience of approximately 100 participants, comprising language researchers, activists, students, and writers.

A conclusion to the intellectual deliberations unfolded through musical performances from three language groups—Shina, Burushaski, and Khowar. FLI, dedicated to fostering connections among ethnolinguistic communities in northern Pakistan residing in urban areas, organized this event with the goal of bridging the gap for those distanced from their native environments. The celebration not only embraced cultural festivities but also provided insights into the developmental improvements made in preserving these languages.

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