Domaki, spoken in the Hunza Valley and a few other scattered locations of Gilgit-Baltistan is a dying language. The main reason behind is this has been stigmatized for being the language of musicians and the younger generation does not want to be called Mirasi translated as professional entertainers. Doms, traditionally are the musicians in Gilgit and they play musical instruments, drums and flutes etc. but do not sing. In Kohistan they used to sing and dance as well.

Domaki youth are replacing their mother tongue with Shina, Burushaski. Although Domaki is not closely related to either of these languages, it has, over the course of many years, borrowed large numbers of words from both.

Domaki is spoken in the village of Mominabad in Hunza and some other settlements in Nagar. This area is surrounded by Burushaski speaking communities. Domaki people have vastly migrated and settled in various locations like Shishkat, Gojal, Dumial, Oshkandas and Punial from Hunza but its uncertain that they still use their language at home. Owing to these reasons its hard to count the real Domaki speakers while in Mominabad, few thousand people still found who speak their language at home.


Language Shift: A case study of Domaaki and Pashto


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