555FLI arranged a training workshop for its facilitators to provide them with more opportunities of learning and enhancement of their facilitation skills. The three days long workshop concluded on 12 Apr 2017 which was attended by 15 people who have been facilitating various training sessions at the platforms provided by FLI.

The main goal of this workshop was to improve the facilitation skills and standards of those who facilitate FLI trainings, while also introducing them to and receiving their feedback regarding the new Facilitators’ Guidelines and Training Policy that FLI is developing. This was accomplished through a 3-day workshop held at local hotel in Islamabad.

The methods and processes of achieving this goal included both explanations of good facilitating practices as well as a lot of practical activities and practice using those methods. The objectives established towards achieving the goal of this workshop were:

  • Introduce, discuss, and potentially revise FLI’s drafted Guidelines for Facilitators
  • Improve facilitators’ understanding of adult learning principles and different learning styles
  • Improve the lesson planning and preparation skills of FLI’s facilitators
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of FLI’s facilitators’ teaching sessions
  • Provide opportunity for facilitators to practice good lesson planning and delivery
  • Introduce facilitators to FLI’s upcoming training policy, and the parameters they will need to meet to continue facilitating trainings with FLI

FLI for the first time, with the partnership of Payap University, Thailand, was able to offer a year-long course to any of its language development trainees that provided a certificate from an accredited international university. This was very valuable partnership FLI has had in its history which enhanced organizational management skills of the participants. 12 participants from eight language communities; three from south and nine from north Pakistan benefited from the program.

The main objectives of the 13 credit course, among many were:

  • Introducing the participants to the interplay of interpersonal skills and diversity in an organizational setting;
  • Ability to identify the benefits and challenges of a diverse work environment and understand the unifying and motivating effect that effective core values can have on an organization;
  • Understanding the system thinking and identity the strengths and weaknesses in their organizational systems;
  • Identification of the essential habits of high performing teams and ways to strengthen the effective habits of their teams etc.

The certificates were awarded to the trainees in Islamabad on 12 Apr 2017. FLI also distributed experience certificates among those who facilitated the course while the services of our Language Consultant and Training Coordinator were appreciated and honoured by presenting them shields from Executive Director of FLI.

A group photo of the participants of certificate distribution ceremony for IBCD program held in Islamabad

A group photo of the participants of certificate distribution ceremony for IBCD program held in Islamabad

A five day workshop on Child Rights Protection was held in last week in the FLI. Seven people from three language communities attended the workshop. Language communities from Northern-Pakistan included Hindko, Palula and Indus Kohistani.

In line with the objectives of the workshop the participants have agreed to allow a child to grow strong and healthy. They had discussion on CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and identified the main issues in their communities. They also generated ideas to disseminate information in that regard. Building the capacity of participants who were teachers, supervisors and coordinators in the protection of child rights was the main purpose of the workshop; getting deeper understanding of concepts of abuse, causes and consequences. Identification of signs of abuse, and learning of key techniques to protect their rights were imparted. How to empower children and how to advocate for their rights were what the discussion covered.

The workshop was facilitated by Literacy Officer, Naseem Haidar, Training Coordinator, Amir Haidar and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Ms. Bushra Malik.

Executive Director of FLI Mr. Fakhruddin giving his input in of the sessions during Child Rights Protection workshop

Executive Director of FLI Mr. Fakhruddin giving his input in one of the sessions during Child Rights Protection workshop

Andsc03367other Khowar Book “Khowar Muhavirey” (Khowar Idioms) has been brought up by Mr. Afsar Ali Khan, a language researcher from Chitral (Khowar). This collection of Khowar Idioms is the second book from this young writer who has translated the native idioms into Urdu. He wrote “Khowar Matalan Gurzain” last year by collecting Khowar Proverbs. Both of his books have been published by FLI along with providing the writer other technical services; designing.

A week long Lexicography (Dictionary Development) Workshop concluded in FLI office Islamabad last week. Six language researchers from 06 language communities participated in the activity. The language communities, represented in this workshop were Yidgha (spoken in Chitral), Ushojo (Swat), Gawarbati (Chitral), Hindko (Hazara Division), Dameli (Chitral) and Gawri (Kalam-Swat).

The participants learned how to develop the theories of dictionary components, collecting, compiling and organizing lexical data to start basic lexicography projects in their mother-tongue. Develop the skill of processing and organizing different kinds of lexical data by using WeSay, starting a new project, editing inside a field, inserting and deleting field, sorting in browse, and Filtering, work together to provide a supportive learning environment for a group of lexicographers. Also inserting new words in your dictionary, increase data by using semantic domain were what the participants have been imparted.


(Islamabad) Group photo of CoP participantsA three day Community of Practice (CoP) “Advocating for Minority Language groups in Pakistan” was held last week in Rawalpindi. The main objective of this CoP, among other was to establish a common understanding of the concept of voice and advocacy, exploring how advocacy is important for social change and development. 15 members from partner CBOs in northern Pakistan attended it.

A series of training courses titled as Identity Based Community Development (IBCD) concluded at FLI office in Islamabad last month. The main outcome of the IBCD certificate program was that “Community-based organizations in northern Pakistan have the capacity to effectively implement and manage their own identity-based community development strategies.” The primary goals of the first part of this course were that the participants had the introduction to the interplay of interpersonal skills and diversity in an organizational setting. Secondly they identified the benefits and challenges of a diverse work environment along with getting the understanding of unifying and motivating effects that influence the core values in an organization. They became aware of the system of how to think and identify the strength and weaknesses in the organizational system and also the learning loops.

They knew that how to become leaders and the challenges they will face after they hold the leading position.

Twelve participants from nine different language communities of northern and southern Pakistan took part in the sessions. All the participants of the event were directors, finance officers, coordinators, and supervisors of respective community-based organizations.

The sessions were facilitated by Muhammad Zaman, Naseem Haider, Shams Ali, Ms. Bushra Malik, Fazal Hadi and Ms. Amy.


Gilgit is the capital city of Gilgit-Baltistan and home to seven beautiful languages, with Shina as the lingua franca. Among the other six languages is Burushaski, a language incredibly unique due to its not belonging to any known family of laDSCN6113nguages. It was in this city of particularly unique linguistic diversity that FLI held a six day workshop titled “Planning for the Future of Your Language” specifically intended for the Shina speech community in mid-July. Four members from the Shina speech community participated in the program, giving their full time and attention during these six days to identifying the current status of their language. They also committed to play any role they can to bring their mother tongue to a point first  of sustainable orality, then sustainable literacy. The participants included young journalists, a drama writer, students, and a poet of Urdu and Shina. The FLI team was glad to work with a group of enthusiastic people who loved their culture and language and were eager to help them reach their goals for their mother tongue.

The FLDSCN7403I team also met various people during the advocacy meeting that was held concurrent with the workshop, which included a visit to Karakuram International University, Gilgit. FLI plans to hold an MLE conference in this prestigious university next year, and in order to gather information and build relationships toward that purpose, they met with several relevant people and discussed related issues with them.

As part of this group of activities in Gilgit, FLI held a half day seminar for the local journalists in Gilgit on 27 July 2016. The program was held at the Gilgit Press Club and all the members of the local journalist’s forum were invited, more than two dozen of whom attended the event. The purpose of the Media Seminar was to sensitize the journalist fraternity towards the regional languages of Gilgit-Baltistan and issues related to these language communities. Various presentations were given on these regional languages, their issues and potential positive ways of addressingDSCN7445 these issues, the impact of early childhood mother tongue based multilingual education, and the role of the media in the preservation and promotion of regional languages. UNESCO’s short film on MTB-MLE was also displayed. As a result of this event, many journalists of Gilgit are now aware of their languages’ assets and have resolved to highlight the issues of local language communities in the future. They were asked to press their policy makers to legislate in favor of language promotion in Gilgit-Baltistan. These FLI activities in Gilgit were well covered by the local media and seemed to be appreciated by linguists of the Shina language as well as many others in the region.

The Forum for language Initiatives conducted a six-day workshop in the Gawri speech community called, “Workshop for Planning the Future of Our Language” during last week of May 2016 in Kalam, Swat.

Four participants from different areas of the Gawri speech community were trained as mother tongue facilitators. The main purpose of this workshop was to train MT facilitators from the Gawri speech community to use The Guide to facilitate discussions with representatives in their respective speech communities to increase awareness about language use, develop plans for the future of their language and engage more people in different ways to carry out those plans and achieve their goals. The trainers included Muhammad Zaman, Amir Haider and Ejaz Ahmed. More workshops of this kind are planned this year; in July for Sheena speech community and in August for Torwali speech community.

MT Facilitators engaged with community member after having participated in SUM workshop in Kalam, Swat

MT Facilitators engaged with community member after having participated in SUM workshop in Kalam, Swat